The Korat: a calm yet active cat

Korat sitting on a fench

The Korat is a medium-sized cat. In America this breed is better known than in Europe. A Korat loves a quiet environment but is very active and loves to play. He easily and quickly builds a good bond with his owner. Besides that, this is a very affectionate cat. If you want a Korat in your house, there are a few things to take into account. Do you want to know what? Then read on!


The origin: a genuine Thai breed

The Korat comes from Thailand, presumably from Cao Nguyen Khorat. It has been around since the fourteenth century. The name Korat is derived from a well-known province in Thailand. In this province he is seen as a real fortune-bearer. For these reasons the Korat is very popular in Thailand.

Before the Korat was given its current name, it was called Si-Sawat. Si-Sawat in Thai means the colour of prosperity. This in turn indicates bringing good fortune. At the end of the 19th century, the Korat was imported into Great Britain. Here the cat was exhibited. Initially there was little interest in this breed. Eventually in 1959 an American Breeder, Jean Johnson, started breeding this breed.  In 1966 the Korat was finally approved as an official cat breed. It took some time before this breed arrived in Europe. In 1972 the time was finally there! So, this breed has been known in Europe for decades. Yet this breed is generally not very well known among Europeans.


The character: a lively cat that loves peace and quiet

Despite the fact that this cat loves to play and is also very active, he does not like crowds and noise at all. So, it is important that when you take a Korat into your house you take this into account. Make sure you have a quiet living environment. Also make sure that there are no other pets around. A Korat does not like that very much.

In addition, he is often reluctant towards strangers. This means that the first contact between this cat and its new owners often doesn’t go smoothly. It is perfectly normal that the Korat is very reluctant in the beginning. After a while it will feel at home and will attach itself to its new owner quite soon. A Korat is known for its friendliness towards its owner. He does demand a lot of love and attention, make sure you have enough time for this and can give it enough attention.


Appearance: a silvery blue coat with special eyes

The Korat can be recognised by a number of external features. The cat has a sweet and friendly appearance. The head is not pointed or square, but heart-shaped and flattened. The general appearance of the Korat is silver, blue with a silver sheen. The cheeks of this cat are generally quite firm. Furthermore, it has a long nose and strong jaws. It can be recognised by its big wide ears, about which you can read more in this way. His eyes are big and round and usually green. When the cat is still young, it may happen that the green colour of his eyes is not yet present. This often takes about 2 to 4 years.

The body of the Korat is medium sized, especially the trunk is characteristic. These cats have a broad chest with quite a lot of space between the forelegs. The males tend to be bigger than the females. The front legs are a bit longer than the hind legs.

If you look further you will see that the head is heart-shaped, with the width between and also over the eyes. The eyebrow edges form the upper curves and the sides of the face gently bend down to the chin and complete the heart shape.

The ears are large and give an alert expression. With large, rounded tip and a large torch placed high on the head.

The eyes are as mentioned very special: they are large and luminous. The eyes are wide open and big compared to the face. The eye opening has an Asian slant when closed or partially closed. Kittens and adolescents can have yellow or amber-coloured to amber-green eyes; the colour is as mentioned usually only reached when the cat is an adult, 2 to 4 years old.


The coat and coat patterns

The Korat has a fine and short coat. The cat has no undercoat, so the coat is tight against the skin. The coat is shiny and silver-blue-grey in colour. Many people choose De Korat because of this unique colour. Partly because of this colour the Korat is a special appearance.

The special colour of the Korat’s coat comes from the fact that the roots of the coat are lighter in colour than the tips of the hair. This creates a beautiful shadow effect. This shading effect, in combination with the silver shade on the hair tips, creates a beautiful and special colour coat.

As mentioned, the Korat has a silvery blue coat, where the silver should be sufficient to produce a silver halo effect. This also has to do with rules for exhibitions and shows. The hair is usually lighter at the roots with a gradient of blue that is deepest just in front of the silver tips. Where the coat is short, the shine of the silver becomes stronger. Kittens may have ghost tabby markings.

Education: socialisation is important

The Korat is a rare breed in Europe. For the perfect upbringing it is important that the Korat grows up in a quiet environment. As you can read above, this cat hates unexpected noises. If he experiences this too much in his younger years, the cat may develop a trauma. This can even lead to health problems.

The upbringing is important as soon as the kitten is born. The first weeks of his life are called the socialisation period. On average this period lasts about 14 weeks. It is advisable not to take a kitten away from its mother until after these fourteen weeks.

During the socialisation period the kitten learns how to deal with peers and other animals, but also with humans. It is important that he has sufficient contact with his mother during this period. In addition, it is important that he already learns small things about his upbringing and care. The socialisation period should go well, because during this period your cat will learn what the world looks like and this will partly determine his behaviour for the rest of his life. If this doesn’t go well it can cause anxiety, stress and various health problems. So, make sure that this is done in the right way and especially that you buy a Korat from a recognised breeder.

As soon as the kitten is taken away from its mother, the next part of the upbringing starts. During this part it is important to teach the cat routine. Teach him when he is going to sleep, eat, play and be cared for. It is important that your cat learns this, as cats react better when they have a certain routine. They will also know what to expect.

Korat lying outside

The care: very simple!

The Korat is very easy to care for. Because he has a short coat, it is not necessary to take care of this coat every day. In general, brushing once a week is enough. This cat will also not suffer from hairballs. You can, however, use a wet cloth to remove the excess hairs more easily.


The right nutrition: ensure sufficient proteins

When it comes to nutrition, it is important that you give enough food to this cat. In general cats have a tendency to become overweight. This is not the case with this species. This has to do with the fact that he is very playful and therefore moves a lot. Contradictively, this cat also likes to rest. This ensures that he has little stress and burns a lot at the same time. The result of this is that the cat needs a lot of nutrients. So, make sure that your Korat has enough to eat. If you notice that he is getting a bit thin and you start to see the ribs, it is wise to make the portions a bit larger.

Proteins are very important for this breed. This has to do with the fact that they move a lot. A lot of muscles are used for this. Proteins are necessary for the muscle recovery of a cat. So, make sure you have enough animal proteins. There are special types of cat food on the market that contain more protein. It is not necessarily necessary, but you can consider it. Especially if you notice that your Korat is really very active. So be alert to this.


Diseases that are common in this cat

The Korat is a strong breed. Nevertheless, there are 2 hereditary diseases. These are GM1 and GM2. GM stands for Gangliosidosis. This is a metabolic disease and can cause serious problems. Luckily there is a DNA test on the market that can determine if a cat has this disease. This makes it a lot easier to treat. Through many tests and proper breeding, these hereditary diseases have already been eradicated to a large extent. Nevertheless, it is possible that your cat still suffers from them. So make sure you have your cat tested. Then you can be sure that he has it or not and you can immediately take the right steps.

Korat lying on the bed

How old does a Korat get?

On average a Korat becomes about 10 years old. Please note that this is average, what if you have a Korat who lives in a noisy room, then it may just be that he gets less old. Rest, food and play facilities are essential for the health of this cat. Therefore, make sure that he grows up in a quiet environment, with the right food and plenty of opportunities to play. In this way the Korat will become the oldest.


What do you need to know before you bring this type of breed into your house?

In general, it is important that you buy a Korat from a recognised breeder. There are also fake cats of this kind on the market. These cats resemble the Korat because of the bad breeding and crossbreeding with other breeds. So, it is really important that you know where you are going to buy the Korat.

As mentioned before, this cat is very fond of a quiet living space. Do you have other pets? A Korat is usually not very happy about that. Do you have a noisy living room? Here too you don’t make the Korat happy. Make sure you make some adjustments before you take a Korat into your home.


What does a Korat cost?

For a Korat, you often pay between $600 – $1000. The prices can differ a bit. But if you can buy a Korat for less than $600 you have to ask yourself if there is something that is not right. A too high or too low price for a pedigree cat is seldom a good sign.

The amount for purchasing your cat is not the only thing to take into account. You also need to look after your cat. This also involves costs. Think about buying food, health insurance and unexpected accidents and illnesses.

Korat standing up

Do you have a Korat in your house?

If you are one of the lucky ones to have a beautiful Korat, then we are very curious about your experiences with this breed. Do you have any tips for other readers, or have you noticed something? Let us know in a comment under this article!

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