18 Cat breeds that (kinda) like water

Cat playing

It’s very well known that cats are not water animals. For different reasons, the aquatic environment is not compatible with the cute, furry felines. But every rule has an exception! Did you know that there are certain cat breeds which actually enjoy the water?

Indeed, Bengals, Norwegian forest cats and Egyptian Mau cats are just a few examples out of the many cat breeds which can be considered water fans. Do you want to know more about the diverse cat breeds that like water, and also the reasons behind the fact that most cats out there don’t like it? Read along to find out all about it!


Why do cats usually don’t like water?

Have you ever observed how cats tend to react when exposed to water? You have probably noticed at some point that cats express a total aversion to water when they are close to it. The reasons that lay behind this behaviour and these reactions have to do, mostly, with a biological instinct.

Historically, the majority of the cat breeds descend from desertic regions around the world. As such, they obviously have not been exposed to water throughout their history. This unfamiliarity towards water is one possible explanation for their usual dislike of this element.

Another reason that might explain why cats don’t like water is that their fur coats are usually moisture-absorbent. This means that their furs have a tendency to absorb moisture, rather than deflect it. So, once the cat gets wet, it will stay wet for quite a long time. As you may imagine, this can be quite uncomfortable, especially during the cold winters. So it makes total sense that cats don’t like to be exposed to water.

The sensitive sense of smell that cats possess is also a reason why they dislike water as much as they do. As humans, our sense of smell is not so sensitive, so we probably don’t usually smell the odors of the chemicals of water. But cats certainly do! Imagine being covered in a substance that stays in your body for a long time and that does not smell good at all. Quite annoying, right? That’s exactly what happens to cats when they get wet.

Being wet also has an impact on cats’ bodies. When water gets into their furs, their bodies weigh more, making it harder for them to move around. Water can also get in their eyes and paws, and they might find it difficult to see properly and also slide or slip. This loss of control over their bodies due to the exposure to water can be very overwhelming for cats. So no wonder that they usually try to avoid it at all costs!


The exceptions to the rule

As we have mentioned at the beginning of this article, every rule has its exceptions! And this also applies to the relationship between cats and water. In this sense, not all of the cat breeds hate water. As a matter of fact, there are certain breeds that actually enjoy being around water. Here we are going to tell you all about them!


Turkish van

No wonder that this particular cat breed has a special fondness towards water: its name comes from Lake Van, which is located in the southern area of Turkey. This is a rare and ancient cat breed, which is also known as the “swimming cat”.

Unlike most of the cat breeds, this one in particular has a fur that is water-repellent so, when exposed to water, they won’t have the problem that most cats do with their furs. Turkish Van cats will emerge from water and get dry quite fast. It’s no surprise to find a Turkish van cat playing with its bowl of water, or joining you in your bathtub.

Turkish Van



This exotic-looking and beautiful cat breed is also known for its love for water. The reasons which explain why this breed loves being around water has to do with its heritage and its genetics. This cat results from the crossing of Asian Leopard cats and domestic felines.

Don’t be surprised if you find that the Bengal will want to join you in your shower. Also, owners of these cats usually fill their tubs with water and put a few toys for their Bengal cats to play with inside. As you might imagine, this is a fun and exciting experience for these water-lovers!

Bengal cat


American Bobtail

The American Bobtail is a short-tailed cat which results from a specific genetic mutation. In this sense, it seems that this mutation brought along a particular love for water. It’s not a surprise to find an American Bobtail cat wandering around places with water.

A curious fact about them is that they are usually referred to as the dogs of the cat universe. This is because they are very easy to train, compared to most of the other cat breeds. They are also very social and have a tendency to demand attention quite often.

American Bobtail


Norwegian Forest cat

One of the main reasons which explain why these beautiful cats have a tendency to love being around water has to do with their fur. The Norwegian Forest cats have a coat which is water-resistant, and which keeps them warm and dry even if they are exposed to water. In this sense, getting wet is not a problem for these adorable animals.

Norwegian Forest cats are also very good hunters, and they enjoy going after rodents, birds or fish. Beware if you have a pond around you! It will most probably be a big attraction for these cats.

Norwegian Forest cat



This very smart and active cat breed is the result of the crossing between domestic cats and servals, which are small wildcats. This genetic mix can be one of the main explanations behind the fact that this cat breed loves being around water. Savannah cats are also very smart. They have a very marked coat, large ears and a long neck.

Savannah cat



The Manx cat is an island cat. It is originally from the Isle of Man, in the coasts of Great Britain. This closeness to coastal areas is what might explain why these cats love water as much as they do. You shouldn’t be surprised if you find Manx cats playing around their pots of water or curiously wandering around humans during shower time!

Manx cat


Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora is a beautiful cat breed that may seem quite delicate. But don’t be fooled by their appearance! These amazing cats won’t hesitate to actively play around water if they get the chance. As cousins of the Turkish Van, which we mentioned above, these cats also adore being in the water. The main feature that characterizes them is their silky and long coat, which can come in a wide variety of colors.

Turkish Angora


Selkirk Rex

This cat breed is quite rare and exotic. It is commonly known as “cat in sheep’s clothing”, due to the very particular appearance of their fur, which is similar to that of a sheep. The Selkirk Rex is a very curious, active and playful cat breed. Not only are they not afraid of water, but they adore being around it.

Selkirk Rex



This is a very ancient breed, which was first recorded at some point around 1000 AD. As can be evidenced in their name, the place of origin of these cats is the Siberian arctic. In order to survive and adapt to the extreme cold weather in this area, the Siberian cats have a strong, thick and abundant fur that can protect them from freezing temperatures.

This is probably also a reason which explains why they are so comfortable around water. Maybe they won’t join you for a shower as other water-lover cats would, but don’t be surprised to spot them putting their toys into their water pots!

Siberian cat


Egyptian Mau

This cat breed was regularly featured in ancient Egyptian paintings and artwork, and this is what gives them their name. Moreover, it is the only cat breed which is domesticated and is naturally spotted. In ancient times, the Egyptian Mau cats were brought along during duck hunts. This is probably the reason that explains why they adore being around water so much.

Egyptian Mau


Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail cats are also considered island cats. As such, like other cat breeds which were  born and raised in islands, they are very fond of being around water. If you have a pond or aquarium near, be aware that they don’t go around it very much, because you might find them trying to hunt down some fish! Just as is the case with many of the cat breeds which enjoy water, the Japanese Bobtail has fur which is water-resistant.

Japanese Bobtail


Kurilian Bobtail

Another water-loving cat which is originally from coastal areas, the Kurilian Bobtail is a breed which enjoys spending time playing around water. Its origins can be traced to the coast of Russia.

Kurilian Bobtail



Even though these cats don-t have any particular genes related to wildcats, they have a love of water which might make you think that they do! You will likely find them playing around water, particularly in water running sources. A curious fact: the name of this breed was originally Highland Lynx, but it was changed to Highlander in the year 2005.


American Shorthair

In their physical appearance, the American Shorthair cats are very similar to many other domesticated cat breeds. In order to distinguish them from all the other cats that are so similar, they were given the name Shorthair in the year 1966. When given the chance to play around water and spend time in it, you’ll see that these cats will enjoy it a lot!

American Shorthair



The main feature of these beautiful Abyssinian cats is that they are very bold, brave, curious and courageous. A fun fact about them is that they were historically kept by sailors from Japan as mouse hunters and also as luck tokens. This is also one of the possible reasons which explain why the Abyssinian cats love being around water as much as they do. Their short hair allows them to be more comfortable than most other cats when they get wet, and they are actually excellent swimmers.

Abyssinian cat



The main feature of these very interesting cats has to do with their physical appearance. As you might have heard, the Sphynx cats are hairless cats! As such, they tend to need regular baths since they are very young. This constant exposure to water may be one of the main reasons which explain why Sphynx cats enjoy spending time around water.

Sphynx cat


Maine Coon

These furry, cute cats used to be very popular amongst sailors in New England. It was very common to see them frequently in boats, and most of the captains wouldn’t leave off to the sea without a Maine Coon to join them. As you can see, this cat breed has historically been very exposed to water. They also have a thick, dense, abundant and water repellent coat. All of these facts might probably explain why the Maine Coon cats like water as much as they do.

Maine Coon with water



The Siamese cats are very smart, loving and easily recognizable. They are one of the most popular cat breeds out there. They are extremely curious about water, which is why it’s very common to find them playing around it when they get the chance to do so. They might not like to be completely submerged into water, but this does not mean that they will refuse joining you for a shower!

As you can see, there are a lot of cat breeds which actually do enjoy spending time around water, playing in bath tubs or joining their humans for a nice shower. Whether it’s because of their history, genetics, places of origins or personalities, many cats appear to be exceptions to the rule that cats don’t like to be in the water. Are you surprised that there are so many different cat breeds that are water-lovers? We invite you to go ahead and share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

Siamese cat

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